Saturday, July 27
Sign up: 4:30pm
Start time: 5:30pm
registration ends Friday July 26 at midnight! We will still accept in-person registration the day of.
Saturday, July 27
11:30: Cornhole Check In Doubles
12:00: Cornhole Tournament Doubles
2:30: Cornhole Check in Singles
3:00: Cornhole Tournament Singles
All information can be found on
Where: Fairground Pickleball/Tennis Courts
Come show off your home run skills! This is free to participate in and for all ages! Contact Breezy with any questions (801-821-9366)
Monday: July 29 5:oo pm
Fair Board Member: RaeAnn Heiner: (801-821-1892)
Please note the Jr. Rodeo wouldn't be possible without the help of the participants families. All families please volunteer for a job during the Jr. Rodeo to help us! Visit the volunteer sheet HERE!
Tuesday, July 30
Fair Board Member Contact: Lisa Clark (801-791-3712)
Individuals $5 per event
Family Rate: for all immediate family members $70
Saturday, July 27
Lineup: 8:00am
Start time: 9:00am
Route: The parade route goes from Morgan High School to Commercial Street and loops back to Morgan High school across the new bridge
Fair Board member: Kelly Carter (801-710-2605)
Tuesday August 1st
Women's doubles 3.0 5-7 pm. 8 teams max with 2 per team.
Mixed (man and women) doubles 3.0-3.5 7:30-9:30 pm. 8 teams max with 2 per team
Wednesday August 2nd
Men's doubles 3.0 5-7 pm. 8 teams max with 2 per team.
Men's doubles 3.5 7:30-9:30 pm. 8 teams max with 2 per team
Fair Board Member: Kenzie Glover (801-660-8580)
Monday: July 22 at 9:00 am
DEADLINE for application to be submitted by Friday, July 12, 2024.
Fair Board Member: Lisa Clark (801-791-3712) or Geni Rowser (801-791-6295)
Tickets will go on sale JULY 15!
Please note Wild Cow Milking is both nights of the rodeo. This is a free event to participate in. We will accept the first THREE teams per night.